How To Overcome Failure in Your Life

How To Overcome Failure in Your Life

We ALL fail at various points in our lives in different areas whether it is in relationships, sports, competition, job and career issues, medical and health issues, financial, and any other catastrophes and scenarios you can think of. How foolish and narcissistic is...

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New Year: Create the BEST YOU NOW!

New Year: Create the BEST YOU NOW!

2024 Happy New Year! To all of you lovely souls, If you happen to come across this message then congratulations, you are some of the lucky few. As the world starts to change, and it is always changing there are some things that might be helpful to know. The world that...

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How to Manifest the Life You Want

How to Manifest the Life You Want

Much has been written about manifestation, but I will start by sharing some of the best words and insights that I have found on the topic beginning some thoughts about love and fear. As Alana Fairchild writes on Peace and Prosperity in her Angelic Lightwork; “Healing...

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Reincarnation & Past Life Regression

Reincarnation & Past Life Regression

From a young age I loved learning about ancient traditions and philophies and how they viewed the world we lived in and of course about our creation story. How did we come to exist? I first learned about reincarnation learning about the world’s religions attending a...

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The Importance of Gratitude for your Health

The Importance of Gratitude for your Health

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and has been for a very long time. All families look different but for me this was the one time that my whole family got together, cooked with each other, and could spend some quality time catching up with one another. As I have...

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How to Enter the New Earth

How to Enter the New Earth

Once upon a time I had a near death experience where I was given a sneak peek behind the veil of the matrix, and it forever changed my life. I have shared this experience in a previous blog post about my ferry ride across the Ganges/Padma River in Bangladesh. When I...

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Thoughts are Things

Thoughts are Things

You may have heard it before from various places but it important to remember and sometimes remind ourselves that thoughts are things. Everything is energy. If you have ever delved into learning about the practice of mindfulness, you quickly learn that your mind can...

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Understanding Yourself

Understanding Yourself

You are a miracle. I repeat, YOU are a miracle. Every life has a reason. Every life has a purpose. You are a spark of the cosmic flame, which means that your life is very special and precious. You are loved, and you are also guided on this journey. You are not alone....

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Becoming a Truth Seeker

Becoming a Truth Seeker

What is exciting to me is seeking the truth about the world and this thing we call life. Who am I? Why am I here? Who or what is God/Source/The Intelligent Infinity? What is the purpose and meaning of life? What do I find value in? What is meaningful to me? If the...

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Take Your Power Back

Take Your Power Back

Life is difficult, being human is difficult, and to live well we must accept that. No one goes through life unscathed from experiencing illness, death, betrayal, failures, abuse, divorce, or other various traumas and unpleasantness. Our world is presently filled with...

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Rebuilding Humpty Dumpty with Love

Rebuilding Humpty Dumpty with Love

I run a group with some lovely people called How to Be Happy. It began as a support group for a workshop called “Renaissance” (defined as rebirth or reawakening) run by Dr. Wendy Hill. Renaissance is an intensive workshop in which we work on identifying self-defeating...

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Awareness of Mind: Find Your Superpower

Awareness of Mind: Find Your Superpower

The Mind is a superpower, just look at Professor X from Marvel’s the X-Men comic series. His body is broken but his mind is intact. He overcomes his catastrophic injury and is benevolent in his use of his superpower for the good of men and mutants alike. His...

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The Four Foundations of Mindfulness Practice

The Four Foundations of Mindfulness Practice

There are Four Foundations of Mindfulness practice which we will briefly explore below. If you have made the decision to begin a mindfulness practice it is helpful to learn about some of the dimensions of both informal and formal practice. Practice is essential. I...

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The Golden Buddha & Christ Consciousness

The Golden Buddha & Christ Consciousness

Many years ago there was Buddhist temple in Thailand that was being invaded by a neighboring country. The monks feared the statue of the Golden Buddha would be pillaged, and so they covered it with mud and mortar to hide the true value of the statue. The deception...

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Thoughts, Emotions, and Two Wolves

Thoughts, Emotions, and Two Wolves

We were created with thought. Thoughts are energy. Emotions are energy. Everything is energy. That means that what you think, feel, perceive, judge, and the quality of your thoughts, matter a great deal as to how your life unfolds moment by moment. I once heard a...

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How to Burn Off Karma- 4 Exercises

How to Burn Off Karma- 4 Exercises

We all want to experience bliss, joy, and happiness while avoiding pain and needless suffering in our lives. We suffer to learn the broad range and totality of being human until we ultimately find the meaning of life, which is to love- it is our teacher. The first...

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Embracing Fear & The Bangladesh Ferry

Embracing Fear & The Bangladesh Ferry

Fear is often defined as an unpleasant emotion caused by the perception of a real or imagined danger. The natural effects of fear can range from mild emotional distress to debilitating physical trauma. Our ability to address new and existing fear is a skillset that...

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How To Change Your Life

How To Change Your Life

Mindfulness is classically defined as paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, with non-judgment. With awareness, true awareness, all things are possible. You have the power to change your life for the better, and our society as well, but you must want to...

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Mindfully Fit Attitudes

Mindfully Fit Attitudes

The concept is simple. Mindfulness is a way of being you can have in any moment of your life. How can one be present and bring a kind, playful, and non-judgmental attitude to their workouts? Better yet, what if there were a community of people who cultivated and...

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