What is mPEAK?

What is mPEAK?

I first heard about mPEAK (Mindful Performance Enhancement, Awareness & Knowledge) a few years ago when I began my training as a mindfulness based stress reduction teacher at the Center for Mindfulness at UC San Diego. mPEAK is a performance training program based...

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Building Mental Toughness

Building Mental Toughness

I had never heard of Jesse Itzler before yesterday, but I know of Joe Rogan and he tends interview some fascinating people who are doing some cool things, from MMA fighters, entertainers, comedians, and politicians, and he tends to be pretty non-judgmental when doing...

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Benefits of HIIT

Benefits of HIIT

Jim is a mindfulness based stress reduction teacher, mPEAK Coach in Training, licensed clinical professional counselor and certified personal trainer. John is an outstanding certified personal trainer and founder of Happy Hour Fitness. Jim- Part of the mission here at...

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A Mindful Man: Bill Murray

A Mindful Man: Bill Murray

Bill Murray is a national treasure, and that is no small statement. I have thought about it for a few years and if I could get my wish to hang out with any celebrity in the world, it would be him. Even if he wasn’t a celebrity, is there anyone who has more fun and...

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Mindfulness Nebraska Style

Mindfulness Nebraska Style

I was recently afforded the opportunity to go on a retreat held by the Mindfulness Outreach Initiative based in Omaha and led by Dharma Teacher, Johnathan Woodside, here is what I experienced. I know that people in the midwest are nice, but when I am fortunate enough...

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Five Steps for a Mindful New Year

Five Steps for a Mindful New Year

It is that time of year when we all proclaim our New Year resolutions to get healthy, lose weight, stop eating sweets, go Keto or on Whole30, exercise more, yogify yourself and buy a gym membership that we will never use, but at least we will feel like we did...

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Managing Holiday Stress

Managing Holiday Stress

‘Tis the season for holiday giving, endless online shopping…and stress as we try and finish up that last project, work to secure that last-minute gift for our secret santa and figure out how we’re going to use that last PTO day, but still manage to get all of your...

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Gratitude can be defined as the quality of being thankful, appreciative, and mindful of those moments, the people, and blessings in our lives. Gratitude is a newer addition to the attitudinal foundation of mindfulness practice. And it is a beautiful concept thtat we...

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Facing Fear Mindfully

Facing Fear Mindfully

How can we face fear? The simple answer is to face it! Sounds so easy, and yet can be so challenging and even overwhelming. To begin with, we can accept that fear exists. There will be moments when we are called to act, because our world is uncomfortable by design and...

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The Attitudinal Foundations of Mindfulness Practice

The Attitudinal Foundations of Mindfulness Practice

I took my first mindfulness course for professional psychotherapists, as a young clinician, nearly two decades ago with a wonderful woman named Susan Drobis, LICSW. I will be forever grateful for that experience, as it changed the direction of my life. I was looking...

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A New Year, New Hope!

Every year in my clinical practice I hear complaints about the immense stress of the holiday season. Stressors include having to deal with family members, our fears about being judged, gossip, people being critical of food, our consumer economy and pressure to buy...

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How to find Motivation

One of the most common things I hear from clients in my clinical practice is the challenge of finding and sustaining motivation. It is a personal challenge as well. The sunshine can wax and wane and so our motivation is always ebbing and flowing. Sometimes motivation...

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